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September 2013
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Special offer to all Croatian veterans and their family members for a summer vacation near Šibenika -HERE-



logo-kbcPodacima o koordinatoru za hrvatske branitelje iz Domovinskog rata i članovima njihovih obitelji za KBC Zagreb Ivanka Babić, tel. 091 4920 306; fax.01/2388 329 E-mail:



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We publish it, to which others do not care!

Daily Archives: 24.09.2013


Under the slogan:

“Just you vote for, DEAR nation ONLY serve You, OJ, KROACIJO”
On the occasion of Independence Day at St. CROATIAN. Mass for the Homeland Tuesday, 8. November 2013. and 10.00 o'clock, u crkvu Sv. Brand, in the Upper Town and the 12.00 hours at the Altar of the Croatian homeland, the Medvedgrad Let us together and tribute, all, who gave their lives for their homeland Croatia.


21. Pilgrimage of the Croatian Army, Police and Croatian soldiers in the sanctuary of the Mother of God of Bistrica in Marija Bistrica

war-pilgrimagesMinistry of Veterans in cooperation with the Croatian Military Ordinariate organizes the participation of Croatian Homeland War Veterans and their family members to 21. Pilgrimage of the Croatian Army, Police and Croatian soldiers in the sanctuary of the Mother of God of Bistrica in Marija Bistrica.

The pilgrimage will take place on Sunday 6. November 2013. The.

Participants pilgrimage, directly organized by the Ministry, Croatian veterans and their families, representatives of the Association of Homeland War of Croatia County, Zagreb and employees of the Ministry of War Veterans. Estimated number of pilgrims veterans and their families about 1100, and the number of pilgrims from each county and the City of Zagreb 50, or with respect to the number of associations in the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County maximum number of participants from each association is 3 Article.

Transportation pilgrims organized by the Ministry.

For pilgrims will provide hot meals and drinking water after all. Setting, and food parcels to return from Marija Bistrica will share county coordinators.( Pilgrims themselves provide food upon arrival).

Please provide as representatives of NGOs to us as soon as possible, and no later than Monday 23. September 2013. The notice of:

1. The number of members who participate in the pilgrimage

2. Their names i surnames, of their Zbroj phone

3. Identify the person who among the participants will be representative of the group

Among the pilgrims can be represented all categories of participants in the war- hr. defenders, volunteers, hrvatski selves war invalids, Obitelj life starving i ili vanished zatočenih of Croatian Veterans.

Please note that it is advisable to take a pilgrimage to the state flag, Flags and County Association of Homeland War.

The place and time of departure we will inform you later!!!

Please tell us the above requested information on :

1. br. phone 3658- 011 or

2. br. fax 3658-012 or

3. e-mail adresu jadranka.brekalo @