Futsal tournament
Football tournament in honor of the fallen and deceased veterans Croatian Dugave days 25. May 2013. The Field Elementary School in Dugave. -Photo-
1. Sleep regularly 7-8 o'clock
2. Eat breakfast mandatory
3. Sports recreation activate the least physically 30 minutes a day
4. Food share in 5 meals
5. Every day, eat fresh fruits and vegetables
6. Avoid fatty, s sweet savory meals
7. Maintain a desirable body weight
8. Learn to deal with stress
9. Do not smoke cigarettes
10. Avoid alcohol
CROATIAN Paralympic Committee – FOUNDATION Paralympic athletes
They move every day own borders, help them to be placed more. Support the work of the Foundation Para-olimpijac and become a part of incredible success of our Paralympic athletes. More about the work of the Foundation and the option to donate to learn more www.paraolimpijac.hr Contact: paraolimpijac@paraolimpijac.hr
Kadedska šahovska accordance «Veterans 91»
Organized kadedska Chess League "Veteran 91" as well as school chess for Croatian war veterans and children of Croatian War Veterans and Disabled Homeland War, and is held in the premises of veterans and veterans of the war in Botinec premises HVIDR Dubrava. Upon completion of the school's chess and youth league will be organized commemorative prizes distribution, medals and trophies for the best candidates and trainees. The school of chess will be included eminent Croatian chess masters, Grandmasters and International Masters.