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Special offer to all Croatian veterans and their family members for a summer vacation near Šibenika -HERE-



logo-kbcPodacima o koordinatoru za hrvatske branitelje iz Domovinskog rata i članovima njihovih obitelji za KBC Zagreb Ivanka Babić, tel. 091 4920 306; fax.01/2388 329 E-mail:



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We publish it, to which others do not care!


20. Traditional tennis tournament “Veterani i prijatelji”

Poster-20 tennis20. Traditional tennis tournament “Veterani i prijatelji” HUT Tour serija 1000 was held in Samobor on the tennis courts TK Samobor days 5.-6. September 2015. The. -Photo-
Results by Category:
DAME APSOLUTNA KATEGORIJA: 1. Trčak Dubravka, 2. Samošćanec Tihana, ¾. Legac Habiba, Resanović Branislav;
MR -35: 1. Grošić Bruno, 2. Ištvanić Denis, ¾. Balaton Antun, Tatalović Vedran;
MR 35+: 1. Poljak Miro, 2. Strong Ivan, ¾. Čivrag Igor, Damir Babic;
MR 45+: 1. Dupor Srecko, 2. Heard, Hrvoje, ¾. Drčelić Ivan, Vidmar Antun;
Doubles gentlemen: 1. Single Ninoslav / Poljak Miro, 2. Grošić Bruno / Čule Hrvoje, 3. Dupor Srecko / Ivan Vojnovic, Bukvic Marko / Poljak Josip

THIS 2015.

DIT2015XXII. International scientific conference - DIT 2015. held from 28.-30. June 2015. in Opatija. The event was presented work by Allen Bartos on "Health and physical activity needs of modern human civilization". The meeting brought together more than two hundred renowned scientists and experts from home and abroad in various fields of science. This renowned conference was organized by the Alma Mater Europaea, Croatian Communication Association, International Association of Communication and Information Societies & Media, under the auspices of the Ministry of Science, obrazovanja i športa RH & Primorje-Gorski Kotar & County Chamber of Rijeka. –Scientific and technical papers
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”8″ gal_title=”THIS 2015″]

VII. Alka female fishers “Šišinec 2015th”

VII. Ribička alka invalida i veterana Domovinskog rata RH “Šišinec 2015th” held on 11. July 2015. year in Šišinec. (ZUŠRIVDR RH)
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”7″ gal_title=”Ribicka alka 2015″]

Lourdes 2015.

23. Pilgrimage of the Croatian Army and police and 57. International Military Pilgrimage took place from 12.-19. May 2015. The.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”4″ gal_title=”Heavy-2015″]

Book Promotion

1ab0f5321da9408f4ab022473e9aebba3233_iconDana 27. February 2015. was held book promotion by Mirna Andrijašević “Sports meaning of life” in the great amphitheater of the Faculty of Kinesiology.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”Promotion of the book 2015″]

For Veterans

imagesWe are raising the quality of health care for particularly vulnerable group - the veterans' population. Beside What are ustrojavamo special veterans' hospitals, every Croatian hospital, any general, regional or clinical, appoints coordinator for the veterans' population.
When defense counsel addressed the hospital, role of the coordinator is to receive it and send to whom and where to contact him or to book dates.
We publish a table listing has appointed coordinators and their contacts.

Coordinators for Croatian war veterans and their families in hospitals

Lecture “Physical activity – factor of health and quality of life”

Dana 28. November 2014. The lecture was held on the topic “Physical activity – factor of health and quality of life”. Predavać Mirna Andrijašević, moderator Allen Bartoš.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”1″ gal_title=”Lecture 2014″]

19.DŠNDVDR RH "New TBP 2014th”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA19. STATE sports competitions Volunteers and veterans' REPUBLIC OF CROATIAN “NEW GRADIŠKA 2014” held 12. – 13. September 2014. in Nova Gradiska. (UDVDR RH) -The results-

19. Traditional tennis tournament “VETERANS AND FRIENDS”

picture-6019. Traditional tennis tournament “VETERANS AND FRIENDS” – HUT TOUR SERIJA – 500 – Zagreb, WATER Trnje was held in Zagreb 6. – 7. September 2014. The. –Photo

Poredak by Category:
DAME do 45: 1. Nikolić Matea, 2. Dijana Babic, 3. Matured Žaja
DAME 45+ : 1. Blaženka Pavkovic, 2. Jadranka Seremet, 3. Koraljka Ikšić
MR -35/35+: 1. Miro Pole, 2. Aron Thompson, 3. Damir Babic
MR 55+: 1. Srecko Dupor, 2. Ivan Drčelić, 3. Aco Mudrinić
PAROVI Dame: 1. Jadranka Seremet / Koraljka Ikšić, 2. Lara Divjak / Matea Nikolić, 3. House Pehar / Željko Škrbina
Pairs of Jehovah JAKOSNA: 1. Ivan Drčelić / Milivoj Sedmak, 2. Damir Matijašec / Dani Stambuk, 3. Tomislav Lukičić / Srecko Dupor
Pairs of Jehovah RECREATION: 1. Ante Ivanović / Donat Užarević, 2. Ivo Vojnovic / Darko Šišmanović, 3. Desire Kardum / Ljubo Raguz

12. County sport Games Hrvatska Zagreb County Veterans' Kravarsko 2014.”

picture-612. County athletic games Croatian defenders Zagreb County “Kravarsko 2014” were held on 8. June 2014. in Kravarsko. (UDVDR RH PZŽ) -Photo-